FAQs for Interns
Can you give me more information regarding the project I am going to be placed in?
Regarding projects for interns, we really have quite a wide variety: Some interns work for our internal some for external teams/projects, developing new features or add-ons. There are front-end and back-end projects, data-science related projects, AI or machine learning related projects, some interns help develop prototypes together with our Innovation Hacking team etc. Which exact project you will be working on depends for one on your skills, the information we gather during the interview but also on which projects have priority. So, unfortunately, we cannot provide you any more information at this point in time. In case that we receive information on the exact project before your first day, we can contact you.
Is there any material I should go over before I arrive in Munich, so that the beginning runs smoothly?
It is always helpful to be aware of principles discussed in the book "Clean Code" by Robert Martin, but there is nothing specific to prepare.
Does TNG provide any assistance regarding the travel expenses moving to Munich?
TNG will reimburse travel expenses up to 300 € for the relocation from abroad to Germany and back. Please keep all the invoices and receipts and send them altogether in one PDF file (reimbursement form, invoices and receipts) to us (invoice@tngtech.com) as soon as possible so that we can reimburse the costs.
Does TNG provide any recommendations for or assistance with finding a place to live?
Many of our interns stay in shared flats. In Germany many use the following website: http://www.wg-gesucht.de/en/. You can also try to find a room in a student house e.g. https://www.studentenwerk-muenchen.de/en/student-accommodation/. There are many other websites, too. We can also get you in touch with some of our other international interns. Maybe you can pool your efforts.
If nothing works out, please contact us and we will see how we can be of assistance in finding a place.
How do I get around Munich (to work and back)?
Depending on where you live, you can try to get a bike or use public transport. If you need to take the bus and train every day, you should think about buying the IsarCard. You can find all the relevant information here: https://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/tickets-and-fares/frequent-travellers/index.html.
Do I get a student discount for public transport? - Unfortunately, if your internship is not mandatory within your studies and study regulations, you cannot get the student discount.
Does TNG reimburse travel costs?
Travel costs that are business related during the workday are reimbursed, but not the daily morning and evening commute.
Do I have to pay taxes in Germany?
The taxes you have to pay during your internship depend on how and for how long you work for us:
Short-term employment (< 3 months): If your internship lasts 3 months or less, you will receive a "Short-term Employment" form from us. As a short-term employee, you only pay payroll tax (Lohnsteuer).
The amount of payroll tax and solidarity surcharge that you have to pay is dependent on your tax class. If you don’t have a tax ID, you pay higher payroll tax. If you have a tax ID, the taxes will be reduced. Therefore, please make sure to get your tax ID within the first few days upon arrival. Importantly: The tax class can not be changed in hindsight after you return to your home country, so a quick registration in Munich is very important for that reason as well. Also make sure that the tax ID is valid for the whole time of your internship.
Compulsory internship (> 3 months): If it is a compulsory internship as part of your studies, you are exempt from paying social security contributions in the same way as for short-term employment. In this case, we need proof from your university that it is a compulsory internship and a current certificate of enrolment. Please make sure to send us your enrollment certificate and a confirmation of the examination office of your university asap!
Long-term internship (> 3 months): If you work for us for longer than 3 months or 70 working days and the internship does not count as a compulsory internship for your degree programme, social security contributions for health insurance (Krankenversicherung), pension insurance (Rentenversicherung), unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung) and nursing care insurance (Pflegeversicherung) will be deducted.
Do I need a health insurance?
If you study in Germany and are enrolled at a German university, your health insurance is already covered. If your internship lasts 3 months or less or is a compulsory internship, it is likely that no social security contributions will be deducted. If you are part of a family insurance scheme, there are no changes for you. We would kindly ask you to check with your current health insurance company beforehand if you are covered during your internship. If your internship does not fall within the aforementioned categories, you have to pay health contributions yourself. These contributions then will be paid automatically to the health insurance company.
If you study outside of Germany and do not have German health insurance, you might have to register with a health insurance company in Germany for the duration of your internship. In that case, we would kindly ask you to contact a German health insurance company of your choice beforehand and ask if you are covered during your internship by your current health insurance provider. If you need any recommendations for health insurance companies feel free to contact our People & Events Team (people+events(at)tngtech.com). Please send us a written confirmation of your registration before your start.
If you are doing a compulsory internship as part of your studies, you do not have to register with a health insurance company in Germany. In that case, please send us a confirmation of the compulsory internship from your university.
Do I get any free days during the working period?
You have 2,5 paid vacation days per full month that you work for us. Once you have arrived, you will be able to talk with your supervisor which days work for you and your team. Make sure then to also book these days in our internal time booking system as vacation days. And no worries, you'll learn more about that, once you have started with us.
Are there any fixed working hours? Is there a specific time for lunch?
Core working hours from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. are fixed in your contract, however working hours may vary depending on the teams. It is important that you spend as much time as possible working with your team.
There is no specific time for lunch. Usually, you will eat lunch together with your team members and or with other interns, as you like.
What is the dress code at TNG?
We do not have a strict dress code at TNG. Normal, proper clothing is perfect. You do not need to bring a suit.