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July 1st, 2012

Risk Analysis

Within a week, an interdisciplinary team of six TNG consultants completed a study assessing potential risks in introducing a new strategic product, and recommended courses of action. This required predicting future market trends.

July 1st, 2012

Atlassian Hackathon

The Atlassian User Group meeting was hosted in the offices of TNG. At the first Atlassian Hackathon, participants worked on six different ideas and problems, ranging from intelligent dialogs for JIRA to a macro adding markdown support in Confluence. The event was rounded off by presenting the developed add-ons.

June 1st, 2012

Bayerns Best 50

TNG was amongst the awardees of "Bavaria's Best 50" for the second time. 

June 1st, 2012

Big Techday 5

For the fifth time TNG organised the Big Techday. About 380 visitors experienced a day full of technically interesting talks from industry and research. Videos of selected talks are also available.

June 1st, 2012

Agile Project Turn Around | Enterprise PHP | Symfony2

A producer of heavy machines assigned us technical leadership and execution of a project turnaround, because the original supplier went bankrupt. The PHP-based system was massively refactored by a cooperating partner and us in a Scrum team of twelve developers in close cooperation with the customer. We ported the software to an application framework (Symfony2 and Doctrine), built a test infrastructure with over 1.000 tests, stabilised business critical modules, and increased the execution speed of critical code sections by more than a factor of ten. This new product version went live in-time and we have been implementing new features since then.

May 1st, 2012

Grails | ExtJS 4

For a customer we took over the further development of an existing Grails application for product data management. We extended the test coverage significantly and optimised the performance. The HTML GUI was designed user friendly with ExtJS 4. In addition, we analysed the migration of the SQL based data store to a NoSQL solution with MongoDB.

May 1st, 2012

vSphere | Cobbler | CFEngine

We supported a large german internet service provider in migrating their data center. Using vSphere and the accompanied Perl SDK we automated the creation of the virtual machines, with Cobbler the installation of the guest operating system and with CFEngine its configuration. The whole chain from creating the virtual machine to having a complete, running service can be automated by software. Now, data centers are no longer installed, configured and administrated - they are programmed. The core principles of software development can now be applied to administration. Test-driven development, continuous integration, testing and staging are now available to systems which were previously hand-crafted. A new installation of the data center on the basis of versioned and tested code is now possible with "one click" and within ten minutes.

May 1st, 2012

FitNesse | Selenium | Build Pipelines

We supported a customer in developing a test strategy and in introducing acceptance tests and build pipelines. In a heterogenous PHP- and Java environment, user acceptance tests will now be implemented using FitNesse, which will execute Selenium Webdriver tests against different web applications. Hudson/Jenkins jobs build the modules and projects and deploy them to test systems.

April 1st, 2012

Code Review

We conducted a two-week code review for a large-scale project of an industrial manufacturer. The aim was to test the system parts written in Java and JavaScript regarding their multi-client capability, as the system has to be rolled out in more than 100 countries. The problematic parts we identified were reported daily to the respective contact persons within the team, so that they could be fixed in a timely manner.

April 1st, 2012

Virtual Box | Vagrant | Puppet | 1 million LoC | Kanban

For one of our customers from the telecommunication sector, we took over the development of a legacy middleware application with one million lines of Java code. In less than 60 business days we fixed the most urgent problems and accomplished a successful production rollout with Kanban. Even a few business features could be implemented in the process. The substantial factors for this success have been the build-up of a first test automation and continuous integration on meanwhile four branches. For that we used JUnit, Ant, Jenkins, and Git amongst others. A completely virtualized programming environment for each developer allowed the ramp-up to a team size of more than 15 developers within this short period of time. For virtualizing the developement environment we used Virtual Box, Vagrant, Puppet, and Linux.

Current news and events can be found here.