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September 1st, 2009


For a customer with a telecommunication background we refactored an existing integration platform developed in-house.

Also, the business intelligence application of another customer was refactored incrementally. More than 100 dialogs were redesigned from scratch. In addition, existing JavaScript code was refactored to make use of the jQuery framework. We optimized the performance of asynchronous loading of JavaScript and of images using CSS sprites. The changes increased site loading velocity threefold and reduce the lines of code by up to 75%.

August 1st, 2009

Perl Workshop

For one of our customers we conducted a two-day practical Perl workshop for advanced developers. We put a special focus on getting to know a broad range of Perl Modules (e.g. CPAN, XML::Twig, DBI, Net::SFTP::Foreign, Log::Log4perl, Config::General, autodie, Test::*, etc.). We analysed existing frameworks of our customer and discussed best practices.

August 1st, 2009

SQL Workshop

For one of our customers we conducted a two-day SQL workshop. We put a special focus on teaching basics and interactive exercises on executing simple to complex database queries. In addition, we talked about database essentials, transactions, an introduction to tools and an overview of simple DDL commands. During the workshop we used the MySQL database, but also considered Oracle specifics.

August 1st, 2009

User tests | Usability analysis

We developed a jQuery-based framework for the analysis of a core navigation element of a customer's web page. We measured the user performance of HTML and Flex prototypes. In the user tests we compared two alternatives to the existing solution for multiple use cases. The results gave new ideas on how to combine the users' desires in an ideal fashion.

August 1st, 2009


For a new customer we took over new tasks in the area of single-sign-on (SSO). We clarified the SSO requirements in close collaboration with our client, listed boundary conditions and evaluated various products. In addition, we set up an initial planning for the integration of more than 20 existing applications in the to-be-created SSO system.

August 1st, 2009

Data migration | Telecommunication | CRM | Agile Methods

We took responsibility for a data migration project of one of our customers in the telecommunication industry. We took over the project management and the bigger part of the implementation team. The business goal of the project was the consolidation of essential parts of our customer's CRM systems without interrupting operations. Within we introduced agile development processes and tools and thus helped our customer's IT department with new ideas.

August 1st, 2009

Partner University

The Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS), University of Southampton, is working in the area of numerical simulation and the analysis of complex systems. The institue has its roots in a research programme of the British government and aims at connecting university research with industry projects. TNG is the latest industrial partner of the institute and offers internships for students of the institute.

August 1st, 2009

Mobile Internet

For one of our customers we conducted a workshop on the topic of Mobile Internet. We informed the participants on the history of the mobile Internet, how to develop content for mobile devices, how to optimise forms used in mobile contexts, how to increase the performance of web sites, and mobile analytics. Finally, we concluded the workshop with user tests of mobile applications.

July 15th, 2009

Scrum | CSM | Training

On July 13th and 14th, 2009 a public Certified Scrum Master Training took place in TNG's office.

May 30th, 2009

Code Verification

For one of our clients we evaluated a Windows application written in C++ and C# regarding the transparency of the described build process. Moreover we looked at the structure of the source-code, the comments in it and the available documentation and estimated the time a developer not familiar with the project would need to be able to start with further development of the application.

Current news and events can be found here.