News Archive / Community

October 1st, 2014


We held talks at the Agile Tuesday, the XP Days 2014, WebVisions Berlin, Manage Agile 2014, and the Munich Nerd Nite.

September 15th, 2014

Open Source | JGiven

We published an article in the magazine Java aktuell about an open-source plain Java framework for behaviour-driven development developed by TNG (JGiven).

September 1st, 2014

Talks, Sponsorship and Open Source

We held talks at various events, including the G-Node Summer School in Advanced Scientific Programming in Python, the annual GI conference 2014 in Stuttgart, the Munich PHP Usergroup and the Munich Atlassian User Group.

We also sponsored some of these events, as well as others such as the Munich Node.js Usergroup and the Couchbase Developer Day.

One of our colleagues provided several bugfixes for the PHP mock object framework Mockery, which will be included in the version 0.9.2 release.

August 25th, 2014

Lecture on Agile Software Development

A TNG employee will give a lecture at the "International Summer University for Women in Informatics" in Bremen. The title is "Agile Software Development: A NodeJS application in one week".

August 4th, 2014

Open Source Development

On behalf of a DAX concern we ported new features for a free-software project back into the community version and added new components to the software. We worked closely with the developers of the community project and continue to introduce modern frameworks and techniques such as jQuery and jQuery Datatase in Javascript and Composer, Symfony dependency injection and Twig templates for PHP.

August 2nd, 2014

Sponsorship and Workshop

TNG sponsored the 4th International Software Craftsmanship and Testing Conference, SoCraTes, and the Lean Startup Machine Munich.

One of our colleagues held a one-week workshop "Agile Softwareentwicklung mit Node.js" at the University of Bremen as part of the International Summer University for Women in Informatics.

July 3rd, 2014

AtlasCamp 2014

The entire Atlassian consulting team of TNG took part in the annual Atlassian conference "AtlasCamp".

July 1st, 2014

Talks and Sponsorship

We held talks at the Agile World 2014, the Ultracode-Munich Meetup, the Linux Stammtisch, the Java Forum Stuttgart and the Java User Group Munich.

We also sponsored some of these events along with others such as the Continuous Delivery Day, the MongoDB Hackathon on the topic Internet of Things and the  Munich PM Camp.

June 14th, 2014

Akka Coaching

During the official Typesafe training courses prior to the Scala Days, one of our employees assisted as co-trainer for the "Advanced Akka" course as the only external trainer of the event.

June 2nd, 2014

Product Development

Two colleagues held a talk for the Munich regional group of the German Informatics Society on the topic "Still guessing, or already learning? Dealing with uncertainties in product development". The video can be seen here.

Current community news can be found here.