The Daily Life of a Software Consultant at TNG
Did you ever wonder what the daily life of a Software Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting looks like?

Daily Scrum Meeting - Usually we start our days with a Scrum Daily, which helps the team to stay focussed and resolve blockers.

Focus-Time - We dive into the code and start working on our tasks. Nothing can distract us.

Looking for new technologies - We don't sit back and rest on our knowledge; we continue to develop ourselves and the company on a daily basis - for example, at our techdays, retreats and at external training courses and conferences.

Orchestrating Containers - We use modern approaches to host the applications we develop and strive for a high degree of automation.

Diving In - Not afraid of getting our feet wet. Huge legacy monolith in PL-1? No problem, where is it?

Firefighting - Sometimes we need to put out fires in production. After the heat is gone, a root-cause analysis is done and a post-mortem is prepared.

Cleaning Code - Code should be written in a clean and easily maintainable way. The principles of Clean Code help us to reach that goal.

Slaying Bugs - The best bugs are the ones which don't make it into the code base at all. We try to use automated testing and test driven development wherever sensibly possible.

Doing research - Will the new approach work out? Let's quickly write a proof-of-concept to validate that it will be successful in production.

Overcoming obstacles - We solve hard IT problems, which is a lot easier when working in a team.

Enjoying the Retreats – Let’s not forget the fun after all that work. That's why there are company retreats in a nice hotel, a summer and Christmas party and of course always lots of food.